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DUT Celebrates Human Rights Day With Action

DUT Celebrates Human Rights Day With Action

The Peace Forest initiative at Lindelani, Ntuzuma, sprang into action on Human Rights Day, 21st March 2018, when participants and staff of the Durban Leadership Programme came to plant trees and discuss with the local community the possibilities for this project.

The first task was the planting of indigenous trees suited to the area, as well as fruit trees, on the steep hillsides next to the stream that runs through the forest. This involved also bringing water up from the stream. The group also collected plastic waste to remove from the area and explored the possibility of clearing of invasive plants and making a trail that would give local people access to the one section.

Local people provided traditional foods and Zulu beer, and then entertainment. Together visitors and locals discussed the specific action that could be taken by the 35 participants on the Programme in conjunction with local people and with the involvement of municipal officials. Some of the many ideas include these: development of vegetable and flower gardens, ways of ensuring greater security within the forest area, improved access, such as steps down the slopes and wheelchair access to the one upper section and tourism, water conservation work involving the local schools, and guidance to young people on educational opportunities.

Despite the intense development in the area, the forest covers a significant area; a variety of indigenous trees is present and bird life is rich. The problems include the pollution of the stream upstream through faulty sewerage systems as well as the history of crime and violence in the area. In the turbulent times of the 80s and 90s, the forest became a divide between warring communities and then a refuge for criminals.
The Durban Leadership Programme is a joint project of the International Centre of Nonviolence (ICON), other staff from Durban University of Technology and the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD).

Pictured: Some of the staff, participants at The Peace Forest initiative

Copy: Crispin Hemson (ICON)

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