Poster Size

The recommended poster size is A0 in portrait orientation (90 cm width x 120 cm height). Posters larger than the display boards cannot be accepted due to fire regulations. Posters will typically be viewed at a distance of 2 to 2,5 m. We consequently recommend 26 point font size or larger. Presenters are free to organise the contents of their posters, but arrows could be helpful to guide the viewer through the poster. We encourage the use of handouts relevant to the posters, but holders for such material are not provided.


At the Congress

Presenters must please:
Look-up the numbers assigned to their posters in the programme book and pin up their posters on the display boards with the corresponding numbers.
Set up their posters as soon as possible from 16:00 to 18:00 on Sunday, 17 January 2016.
Velcro fasteners will be provided at the venue to mount posters to boards.
Be present at their posters during the scheduled poster session.
Remove their posters before the start of the closing session (12:00) on Wednesday, 20 January 2016.

The organisers of SASM2016 are not responsible for any posters not collected after the take-down time.