Entrepreneurship Theoretical Courses for Students

As part of their curriculum the faculty is offering courses on the theoretical background of entrepreneurship. Please find further information on their pages:


Courses in Project Based Learning for Teachers (TTT)

We offer special courses for teachers who are interested in teaching their courses in the Project Based Learning (PBL) format. The courses are delivered by an experienced professor who gives training to the participating colleagues (Train the Trainer, TTT) such preparing them to teach their courses in PBL format. Here is some information:


What is Project Based Learning?

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching/learning format that is most different to the conventional teaching/learning format. The main characteristics of PBL are:

  • Applicable to all disciplines searching for innovation.
  • Small teams, each having 3 students in their last year.
  • Real projects (mostly from industry or organizations).
  • The teacher becomes coach.
  • The student becomes a self-responsible member of a team.
  • Applying professional tools (f.e. project management, personal time management, following a systematic process, creativity methods).
  • The teacher is not responsible for results – it is the students project.
  • PBL is following a common syllabus with specific didactical goals.
  • Well defined standardized learning process over one semester.


Why Train the Trainer?

For professors/teachers, even if they were reading books or listening to presentations, usually it is a big obstacle to apply PBL in their own courses. Experience shows that having themselves gone through a PBL course under real conditions helps to overcome this obstacle. The TTT format is a peer to peer course with the trainer giving his practical experience to his colleagues by going through the entire PBL process in real situations. 


What is the Course Format?

The course will consist of groups. Each group will be limited to 6 participants who will form 2 teams. The course will cover 4 blocks with 4 half-day sessions per block. There will be 2 half-day sessions per week (f.e. Monday morning + Wednesday afternoon). Such, each participant will take part in 16 half-day sessions. We try to offer several groups with different schedules. Such, participants have a choice to find the group which best fits into his/her personal schedule.


Who should attend?

The TTT course aims exclusively at professors/lecturers who have a desire to implement PBL in one of their existing courses directly after attending TTT. Candidates must have a passion for entrepreneurship and innovation. Candidates may come from all relevant disciplines being offered at DUT.


What is the advantage?

After the training professors/lecturers will be able to professionally teach their courses in PBL format. They will receive the “PBL Certificate” which qualifies them to teach this format to students.


How to apply?

Fill in the application sheet below and send it to maurerc@dut.ac.za.

Application Form TTT (link to be added)