Academic Staff Timetable: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) & Answers.

The below FAQ’s and answers are meant to assist Academic staff with lecture timetable related questions. If you have a question that is not answered here or you need further assistance, please contact your Department’s Timetable Co-ordinator or HoD.

1. What is the Lecture Timetable?

Lecture Timetable refers to the planning and scheduling of classes, practicals or tutorials period slots for full time and part time programmes and modules, in a particular day and time, allocating venues for contact classes and an academic staff to teach each module.

2. What does Lecture Timetable include?

Lecture Timetable include Students (Group) Timetable, Staff Timetable, Module Timetable and Room Timetable for each semester. All staff timetables are available online under “staff” category within each department.

3. When is the Lecture Timetable published?

The timetable is first published online as a draft (approximately a month and half before the start of classes) for departmental Timetable Co-ordinators to verify the published timetable and requested changes where necessary. The official semester timetable is published two weeks before the start of classes for each semester. Semester 1 is usually within the first 6 months (January – June) and semester 2 within the second 6 months (July – December) as indicated on the academic calendar for the year. Once timetable is published and accessible online; a notice is sent to all staff through department Timetable Co-ordinators and DUT Pinboard.

4. How do I access my staff timetable online?


  • Alternatively you can follow the below steps;
  • Step 1: Visit the DUT website:
  • Step 2: Then click on the Staff page link (on top).
  • Step 3: Then click on the Timetable page link below Staff Portal link.


  • Once you on the Lecture Timetable page; please follow steps as indicated in order to access your staff timetable online.

5. As a staff member, can I view students' timetables?

Yes, students’ timetables are available under Group category (within a department) on the Lecture Timetable page link Student (Group) timetable is for each programme level.

6. I am struggling to access my timetable online, where can I get assistance?

Please contact your departmental Timetable Co-ordinator  for assistance.

7. Can I access my timetable using cell phone, iPad or laptop?

Yes, you can view your lecture timetable using your smart device such cell phone or ipad, laptop or desktop provided you have internet connection.

8. Once i have accessed my timetable online, can I download and save or print it?

Yes, you can download the timetable in a pdf format and save it on your device or print it.

9. How is the staff timetable structured?

Staff timetable is structured for each staff member in a weekly format (Monday to Friday), full-time programmes periods are between 8am-5pm and part-time programmes period between 5pm – 8pm. Saturday can also be scheduled for some special cases or part time classes. Staff timetable has surname, initial and staff number on top as the heading.

10. What do the different colours mean in my timetable?

  • Blue – is for the theory class / lecture.
  • Green – is for the Practical; if your module has a practical component.
  • Pink– is for the Tutorial; if your module has a tutorials component.

11. How do I know the meaning of module or programme codes in my timetable?

Module or programme codes and names are indicated in your departmental hand book or ask your departmental Timetable Co-ordinator or HoD for assistance.

12. A module that I will be teaching is missing in my timetable, what should I do?

Contact your departmental Timetable Co-ordinator for assistance.

13. I have periods clashing in my timetable, what should I do?

It is advisable to first check the updated timetable online to verify if the clash in exist. Once you confirm that there is clash, please identify clashing period details (module code, slot, venue etc.) and notify your departmental Timetable Co-ordinator for assistance.

14. I am clashing with another staff member in lecture venue, what should I do?

It is advisable to first check the updated timetable online to verify if the clash exist. Once you confirm that there is a clash, please request module code and details (name, surname and email) for the staff you clashing with. Thereafter email your departmental Timetable Co-ordinator with your clashing periods details (module code, day and time, venue) and module code and details of the staff you clashing with for assistance to resolve the clash.

15. Will the timetable change after it is published?

Timetables are subject to change, your departmental Timetable Co-ordinator will inform you in case there are necessary changes.

16. Can I request a change in my timetable?

Ideally, timetable changes should be requested and done before the start of classes. Once classes start; only necessary changes are entertained and should be requested through the departmental Timetable Co-ordinator; who will then liaise with the Timetabling Office.

17. Venue/room is missing on my timetable?

Double check your updated timetable online to confirm if  the venue is missing, if so, please contact your departmental Timetable Co-ordinator for assistance.

18. How to understand the venue/room details in my timetable?

Venue/room is named as follows ;

  • Building Code/ Floor/Room number (Campus Name).
  • E.g. 557/5/AB0501 (ML Sultan Campus).

Please note: only the room number is indicated on the door or above the door frame on each venue.

19. How to find the venue/room on campus?

If you need directions to campus; you can use maps on this link: contact your department for assistance. Once you on campus, you can also ask security personnel or other DUT staff for assistance.

20. The venue I am allocated has a smaller capacity than the number of students in my class, what should I do?

Firstly, verify if all students that attend your class belong to that class group. If so, please inform your departmental Timetable Co-ordinator for assistance with venue change or exploring alternatives.

21. If there is problem is the lecture venue, where do I report?

  • For problems with the building maintenance, table, chairs or electrical (lights/plugs)  white  board; report to Maintenance:
  • For problems with air-conditioning; report to Facilities Management:
  • For problems with audio visual equipment such as projector, screen or smartboard; report to Multimedia:
  • For problems with cleaning matters; report to the  nearby cleaning staff or email Facilities Management:
  • For problems with security matters; report to the nearby security personnel or email Protection Services:

22. Who should I contact if I wish to book a venue for Test or Adhoc event?

Adhoc/once off bookings are done through Facilities office: Please contact Njabulo Meyiwa: Email: Office No: 031 373 2945.