Student's Timetable: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) & Answers

The below FAQ’s and answers are meant to assist students with student’s timetable related questions. If you have a question that is not answered here or you need further assistance, please contact your relevant Department.

1. What is the Lecture Timetable?

Lecture Timetable refers to the planning and scheduling of classes, practicals or tutorials period slots for full time and part time programmes and modules, in a particular day and time, allocating venues for contact classes and academic staff to teach the module.

2. What does Lecture Timetable include?

Lecture Timetable include Students (Group) Timetable, Staff Timetable, Module Timetable and Room Timetable. Please Note: All students timetable are available online under “Groups” with a department for each programme level; for example: 1st year timetable is under level 1 for each programme etc.

3. When is the Lecture Timetable published?

The official lecture timetable is published two weeks before the start of classes for each semester for both semester and annual programmes. Semester 1 is usually within the first 6 months (January – June) and semester 2 within the second 6 months (July – December) as indicated on the academic calendar for the year. Once timetable is published and accessible online; a notice is sent to all students through DUT4life student email and DUT Pinboard

4. How do I access my student timetable online?

Click the timetable webpage link:

Alternatively, you can follow the below steps;

  • Step 1: Visit the DUT website:
  • Step 2: Then click on the Student’s page link (on top).
  • Step 3: Then click on the Lecture Timetable page link.

Once you on the Lecture Timetable; follow steps as indicated in order to find your timetable.

5. I am struggling to access my timetable online, where can I get assistance?

You can either watch a short video on the link: If you still struggling to find you timetable, contact your relevant department ( for assistance.

6. Can I access my timetable using cell phone, iPad or laptop?

Yes, you can view your timetable online using your smart device such cell phone or ipad, laptop or desktop provided you have internet connection.

7. Once i have accessed my timetable online, can I download, save or print it?

Yes, you can download and save your timetable on your device or print it.

8. How is the student timetable structured?

Student Timetable is structured for each programme level, in a weekly format (Monday to Friday), day periods are between (8am-5pm) and evening period between (5pm – 8pm). Saturday can also be scheduled for some special cases or part time classes. Student timetable has a programme code, level and name on top as the heading.

9. What is the meaning of different colours in my timetable?

  • Blue – is for the theory Class/ lecture.
  • Green – is for the Practical; if your module has a practical component.
  • Pink– is for the Tutorial; if your module has tutorials component.

10. How do I know the meaning of module codes in my timetable?

Module codes and names are indicated in your proof of registration or departmental hand book or ask your department or lecturer for assistance.

11. How do I know which group I be belong for the module in my timetable?

Your department or lecturer will advise you about class group set ups and which group you belong to.

12. A module I registered for is missing in my timetable, what should I do?

If you have a module or period that is missing in your timetable. Please contact your department or lecturer for assistance.

13. My timetable period clashes with another period, what should I do?

If there is any clash in your timetable, double check your updated timetable online: If you still have a problem, you must contact your department or lecturer to assist you with solving the clash.

14. Will the timetable change, after it is published?

The timetable is subject to change. Students are encouraged to regularly check their updated timetable online: Once attending classes start, your lecturer will notify you regarding timetable changes and if you not getting a notice of timetable change; please ask your lecturer.

15. Venue/room missing on the timetable, what should I do?

Verify your published timetable online. If the room is in deed missing; room may have not be assigned yet, contact your department or lecturer for assistance.

16. How to understand the room/venue details in my timetable?

Lecture rooms are named in this format and example: Building Code/Floor/Room number (Campus Name). E.g. 557/5/AB0501 (ML Sultan Campus). Please note: only the room number is indicated on the door or above the door on the venue.

17. How to find the room/venue on campus?

If you have to attend on campus and you need directions to campus; you can use maps on this link: or contact your department for assistance. Once you reach your campus entrance, you can ask security personnel or DUT staff to assistance.

18.Lecturer/staff details is missing on the timetable?

Firstly double check your updated timetable online. If the indeed the lecturer details are missing, contact your department to advise you on who is the lecturer.

19. My timetable version is different compared to my classmate version?

Either you or your classmate have an incorrect or old timetable version. You should check for your updated timetable online ( and also verify with department or lecturer if you have a correct timetable version.

20. Why my online class period is not according to my timetable periods?

Either you or your classmate have an incorrect or old timetable version. You should check for your updated timetable online ( and also verify with department or lecturer if you have a correct timetable version.

21. Why my online class period is not according to my timetable periods?

Either the timetable is incorrect or have been changed or lecturer is not following timetable as published. Please ask your lecturer to clarify why timetable is not matching with online classes.

21. I have accessed my timetable online, why should I do next to attend classes?

This part is usually covered during orientation, new students are especially encouraged to attend 1st year orientation to get more information about attending their classes and other student services offered by DUT. Your department will communicate with you before date of attending your classes on whether you will attend online or on campus. You should also keep check your DUT4life email on the Student Portal ( to see if there is any communication from your department. If you need more assistance, please contact your department.

22. Why class period is not according to my timetable?

Either the timetable you have is incorrect or have been changed or lecturer is not following timetable as published. Please ask your lecturer clarify why classes’ periods are not matching with timetable.

23. My timetable has too many consecutive periods, do we get break in between?

If you have a concern about too many consecutive periods in your timetable or breaks; please ask your department or lecturer for assistance.

24. Can I share my timetable with my classmate/other students?

It is not advisable that you share timetable, rather show other classmate on how to access their timetable online:

25. Where can I get information about examination timetable?

All examination timetable are handled between your department and examination department; please ask your department or lecturer for assistance

26. Where can I get contact details for my department?

  • Step 1: Open the DUT Website:
  • Step 2: Click the Academic link:
  • Step 3: Click your faculty link (as indicated in your proof of registration) below the Deputy Vice Chancellor: Teaching and Learning image/details.
  • Step 4: Click your department link (as indicated in your proof of registration) and look for your department contact details.

27. Who is eligible to use the Lecture Timetable on the DUT Website?

  • Lecture Timetable should be used by DUT registered students for attending classes or prospective students for planning to study or in process of being registered at DUT. It is prohibited for any person to alter or fraudulently or illegal use the Lecture Timetable printout.
