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Public Events


The Urban Futures Centre hosts a wide variety of public events, including a monthly seminar series on a wide range of topics relevant to urban studies. The number of guests we have had for these presentations range from a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 70. Participants in the seminars include government officials, NGO representatives, academics and students from both DUT and UKZN (from a variety of disciplines). The presenters too are varied, some of whom are urban design practitioners, urban scholars; architects; philosophers; city activists; and city officials. The seminar series is very robust and has created a real sense of inter-disciplinary engagement across the wide variety of disciplines at DUT. These seminars have also taken the form of public debates on issues of critical public interest including street-level drug use, urban design, migration, port cities and social cohesion.

Researchers, scholars or academics hoping to present their work in this forum, or join the UFC mailing list, should kindly contact Tharshnie Ramasami at TharshnieR@dut.ac.za

For regularly updated information on our seminar series, and other public events at the UFC, please visit our Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter.