Dut map Handbook Community Health Centre Homoeopathic Association of South Africa Student Support Staff

Homoeopathic Satellite Clinics and Community Outreach Programs

Homoeopathy is a system of holistic medicine that is now over two hundred years old. It was founded by the German physician and chemist, Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century, yet its reputation and stature has been growing exponentially, both nationally and internationally, over the last few years. The homoeopathic approach is to not only treat an individual for their physical complaints – but to also consider their mental and emotional states as pivotal components in the healing and treatment process as well. Homoeopathic treatment differs from the more conventional forms of medicine in that it is highly individualized and tailored to suit each patient’s particular health needs. In this way, homoeopathy is a medical approach that respects the wisdom of the body.

In keeping with the increased demand for healthcare, and the provision of competent homoeopathic practitioners, formalized homoeopathic education has become a priority. In South Africa, formalized homoeopathic educational standards are closely aligned with those of medicine, and are recognized as an education of excellence internationally. Homoeopathy is a legally recognized profession and is becoming an increasingly important part of the South African healthcare provision. Homoeopathic physicians are registered with a statutory body, the Allied Health Professions Council, and their activities are closely monitored by a professional board.

This treatment is widely regarded to be safe, and can potentially be very effective in treating the new strains of disease which are spreading widely in the 21st century. As a primary-contact practitioner, a homoeopath manages all aspects of patient healthcare, diagnosis, treatment and management, including referral and communication with other healthcare professions and institutions.


Leading transformative Homoeopathic Healthcare Education


“Educating students to be responsive and valued homoeopathic doctors through excellence in teaching and learning, research, community engagement and entrepreneurship”

1. Teaching and Learning
2. Research and Collaboration
3. Community Engagement
4. Entrepreneurship

Healing without Harming through Art and Science

Homoeopathy is a system of holistic medicine founded by the German physician and chemist, Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century. The Homoeopathic approach is to rapidly, gently and effectively treat physical, mental and emotional disease as an individualised therapy to each patient’s particular health needs. In this way, homoeopathy is a medical approach that respects the wisdom of the body. Homoeopathy is regulated by the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa.

Entry Requirements

Bachelor of Health Sciences in Homoeopathy Entrance Requirements
Master of Technology Homoeopathy Entrance Requirements

Doctor of Technology Homoeopathy Entrance Requirements

Applications to: Central Applications Office(C.A.O)

Compulsory Pre-Application Homoeopathy Assignment Download.

Contact Information


Head of Department: Prof Ashley Hilton Adrian Ross
Tel: 031 373 2542
Email: ashleyr@dut.ac.za
Location: Mansfield School
Campus: Ritson
Qualification(s):  DTech (DUT) MTech (TN) PGDip Health ResEth (SU) BMus (UCT) MLMHI MHSA


Secretary: Mrs Rani Sukhu
Tel: 031 373 2514
Email: sukhui@dut.ac.za
Location: Block L, 2nd Floor
Campus: Ritson Campus